Category Archive for Learning Resources

50 Essential Free Open Courseware Classes for Web Designers

by admin on Nov 23, 2009

Web design is an increasingly important aspect of media and business. Because the Internet has become essential to the way we do business, find information and accomplish a number of other tasks, Web design truly is vital. And someone who understands Web design and can do a good job with it is valuable in a number of ways. If you are interested in improving your web design skills, here are 50 great open courseware classes for web designers: [click to continue…]

Top 50 Web Design Education Blogs

by admin on Aug 09, 2009

Web design is definitely an art. You want an attractive address on the web. And, if you plan to offer your services to others, you want to be up to date on best practices and you want to be able to provide solid design principles to any project that you participate in. If you are interested in web design, there are some blogs that can help educate you about what is going on now. Here are 50 web design education blogs that can help you improve your skills: [click to continue…]

WordPress.Edu: 25 Incredibly Useful WordPress Cheat Sheets & Checklists

by admin on Jun 30, 2009

Are you a WordPress fanatic? No telling how many people share your passion, but there are plenty of WordPress cheat sheets, checklists and blogs dedicated to the WordPress blog flexibility and open structure. Twenty-five of those articles, hacks and checklists are listed below for your endless WordPress cravings.

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Usability.Edu: 25 Incredibly Useful Usability Cheat Sheets & Checklists

by admin on May 12, 2009

Is your Web site primed for any viewer? How do you know? The nicest thing about a usable Web site is that it’s just a good thing to do for others so they can easily read your online information. The other side to usability is that it can increase your search engine standings so more people can find your Web site.

The following list of cheat sheets and checklists are fairly recent; however, some older usability checklists are useful for older sites that haven’t been upgraded. You can find cheat sheets and checklists for forms, blogs and more below, all listed in alphabetical order. [click to continue…]

Web Top 50 Free Open Courseware Classes to Develop Better Web Sites

by admin on Apr 27, 2009

Have you wanted to have information about Web development, accessibility, design and business acumen at your fingertips? Have you realized that owning a library filled with that information is far too expensive for your budget? If you want to learn more about these topics, then head back to your comfort zone — the online medium. Here you can gain access to university and college-level materials that can put you at the head of the class.

The following list of 50 free open courseware classes can help you develop better Web sites. The university or learning center name is included so you can begin to browse through their other online resources as well. The list is categorized, and each link under those categories is listed alphabetically. This method assures readers that we do not value one resource over another. [click to continue…]

Web Top 50 Free Open Courseware Classes to Design Better Web Sites

by admin on Feb 18, 2009

Are you are a self-taught Web designer? Or, are you a visual communications graduate with a degree? No matter your level of education, you know that Web design is an ever-changing field. Software changes, accessibility demands, usability concerns and platform incompatibilities all contribute to the demand for constant learning curves.

Open courseware solutions may be the answer to your Web development woes. No matter where you live, you can take the courses listed below at your own pace and in the comfort of your home or office and at no cost to you. While some courses listed below are sponsored by colleges and universities, others are provided by experts in their fields. [click to continue…]

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